05/29/24, 07:15 PM.
Zoom Link for
Tim Joynes KB3IUM/SK memorial service on Sat. 6/1, 2-5PM:
https://bit.ly/KB3IUM05/23/24, 08:32 PM.
A memorial service for Tim Joynes, KB3IUM/SK will be held on
Saturday June 1st from 2pm to 5pm
Hyatt Place Wilmington Riverfront,
760 Justison St., Wilmington DE 19801.
A Zoom link is forthcoming. Please pass this news along to all Hams you know. It would be great to have a big showing to honor Tim.
05/13/24, 08:39 PM.
Our friend, Tim Joynes KB3IUM became a silent key Saturday, May 11, 1330 hours. A friendly voice on the Delaware City repeater and regional DMR nets, he will be missed. Information regarding arrangements will be posted here as soon as we learn of them.